Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Our New President

It is with great joy and admiration that the Blue Deer Center announces Amanda Kerner as our new PRESIDENT!  Amanda has served on our Board of Directors since 2012.  Prior to her leadership on the board, she served as a co-Executive Director for our Blue Deer Center for many years. Amanda has been steadfast in her service to helping the Blue Deer Center sing its song!!!  Now, she moves into the role that has been previously filled by our beloved founder, Eliot Cowan.

Now, the first question tends to be “What about Eliot?” A wonderful question. Eliot formally stepped off of the Board last year as he moved his home residence to the Center. Eliot’s role as our first Elder of the “Home Project” created a ‘conflict of interest’ with the decision-making aspects of being a voting member on the Blue Deer Center’s Board of Directors.  Thus,  in 2013 Eliot moved into the new role as an Emeritus Board Member and does not participate in financial decision-making. In addition, it was necessary for him to  step down as President of the Blue Deer Center and focus on his role as Elder, teacher, healer.  We are grateful and very BLESSED to have Amanda Kerner step up to this role.
The second question is often, “What is the difference between the Board Chair and the President?” Board Chair oversees Board meetings, works with Board members and works on the overall strategic view of the organization. President of the Blue Deer Center is involved in oversight of the operational aspects of the Center – working closely with our Executive Director. The President may or may not be a member of the Board. In this case, we have the added benefit of our new President also being a member of our Board of Directors.

Amanda has been integral in the success of the Blue Deer Center.  Not only is she deeply devoted to the Center.  Amanda embraces and experiences the value and purpose of the Center and inspires others to experience the incredible medicine of this place.  With Amanda’s experience in business, family, and community and with her passion and wisdom, we have an inspired and experienced leader to help the Blue Deer Center thrive. Please join me in welcoming Amanda in her new role as the President of the Blue Deer Center.

With Joy and Thanks!

Patrick Hanaway
Board Chair
Blue Deer Center


Anonymous said...

Some of the writing is ....well, needs an editor.

Unknown said...

Yay Amanda!

Thank you for your service!

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