Friday, October 17, 2014

Much happening this week, just before the first snowflakes are forecast to fall!

This week has seen much activity here at the Blue Deer. The Plant Spirit Medicine training class group in its final class workshops has gone but a new group of Plant Spirit Medicine students has arrived to the Blue Deer for their first class. The air has been warmer then usual and has allowed for our landscaping committee volunteers to come and button things up for the winter months ahead. Just in time too as snow showers are forecast for this Sunday morning!
The barn and the metal cage against the brilliant blue autumn sky! This day has been so magnificent.

This light fixture is located on the stone wall between the barn and the front lawn near the vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden has been given a warm blanket for the winter. It will be ready to go for next spring.
Here is Wayne working on the compost pile.
Much work was done on opening the pond up so our friends the frogs have space to enjoy it. This is the view looking back towards the barn.
The pond looking out from the tent over the stone wall.
Volunteer Wayne built a new compost bin as the other was showing its age!

Melody and Renee working to give the plants some room to grow and breathe.
The landscaping committee will be bringing you updates on the land, and the plants right here on the blog in the coming months. I know where I will see you next, at the Blue Deer!

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