Friday, March 28, 2014

Welcome to the Blue Deer Center Weekly Blog!

The Staff and Fundraising Department at the Blue Deer Center are so happy to announce this new weekly blog about the Blue Deer Center. You are receiving this blog announcement because you are a loyal and treasured friend and supporter of the Blue Deer Center. We want to keep you in touch with what is happening at the Center each week and bring news from the Center. Sharing stories of our guests and volunteers each week as well as classes and events. In recent weeks, the Center has been bustling with activities including a board retreat in  Early March and Plant Spirit Medicine Class just a few weeks ago. The Snow is finally melting and giving way to more spring like conditions. 

This Winter has been very cold and snowy. Many of here are ready for Spring to come. Please stay tuned as there are so many wonderful things happening at the Center this year! Including new staff members, beautiful programs, new facilities and so much more!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This week at the BDC

This past week at the Blue Deer Center was bustling with activity even in the cold weather. The Plant Spirit Medicine Class came back to the center for their fourth gathering of their journey. The Center was busy and full of energy with these smiling faces. Participants came from around the country and from Canada to continue their training. Although the temperatures were often below zero at night, day time temperatures made it up to almost 30 degrees and the sun made it feel warmer so time on the porch was enjoyed by many!

Victoria getting ready for a walk around the center during a break. Looking wonderful in all red!

There is always time for shopping in the Huichol Art Store.

Lunch always leads to hanging out and chatting. I enjoyed getting to see everyone at the Center. I hope they come again soon. Their next class at the center is in July!    
Coming up next week on At The BDC, Open Mic in Yurt! March 27th beginning at 7 pm!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Winter weather continues to bless the land in a covering of pure white!

Recent snows have covered the Blue Deer Center with a beautiful white blanket.

Everything from the buildings to the Tipi!

The snows add such a beautiful cover to the edges of the river, framing its movement.

Frozen cascades of ice cover the rocks and give them their winter veil.